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We of Magothy United Methodist Church are called together to love and
honor God and our neighbors.  We strive to connect people with God and
help them make a difference through developing their talents and using
these talents by giving loving service to others.  Guided by the Holy
Spirit and Scripture, we reach out to the world with the message of God’s

Regular Worship Schedule

9:00 am    Traditional Worship Service in the Historic Sanctuary

10:15 am    Sunday School Classes for Adults
        (September through June)

10:30 am    Contemporary Praise Service in the Fellowship Hall
        Sunday School for children and youth following
        Children’s Time.

Holy Communion the first Sunday of every month.

Summer Worship Schedule (June—September)

9:00 am    Traditional Worship Service in the
        Chapel in the Woods (Weather permitting)

10:30 am    Contemporary Praise Service in the Fellowship Hall

Holy Communion indoors the first Sunday of every month.